The Science of Aging

Can we live a thousand years? I have my doubts.

Can we significantly reduce the effects of aging? It seems likely.

Understanding our genetic code and other research has given some insight into how aging works and how it its effects can be minimized, and there is promise of much more to come.

Newt Gingrich, known for politics, is also interested in history and science, and his podcast provides a good introduction into where we are on the science of aging. You can listen to it here.

A couple of insights that you could implement right away. There is a “longevity gene” that seems to be activated under stress. You can do two things to activate that gene. First, you can do some strenuous exercise. Second, you can do intermittent fasting. Both interviewees on the Newt’s World podcast recommend a 16 hour fast each day (most likely attained by skipping breakfast). A sedentary lifestyle where you graze constantly on food will keep that gene inactive.

The other point that he brings out is how much of our medicare costs are related to the illnesses of the last two years of life. If you could eliminate the common difficulties of the end of life, you could reduce medicare expenses dramatically. In addition, if people are healthier longer, then they can also contribute to society longer. So, reducing or reversing the effects of aging has a lot of ramifications for problems that we may currently find intractable.

Have you done any research on this subject? Any insights that you have found worth sharing? I’d love to hear your thoughts.