Keeping Sane & Productive in an Insane World, Principle #24: Play with Your Kids Every Day

What can help keep us sane in an insane world? Play, especially with our kids.

Over the years, I have found myself struggling and not able to move forward. After reflection and prayer, I have come to certain principles that helped me keep going in the midst of leading a congregation, raising seven kids, earning three degrees, trying to be involved in the community, and trying to make my mark on the world. Here is principle #4 (not in order of importance) for keeping me sane and productive in an insane world.

Principle #4: Play with Your Kids Every Day
There are so many duties that call us. There are so many things that distract us. There are so many things that keep us busy. It’s easy to forget the positive duties we have that are not as urgent in the moment. That’s what led the great missionary and explorer David Livingstone to say, “I have but one regret and that is that I did not feel it my duty to play with my children as much as to teach” (Cited in Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, 105). Continue reading “Keeping Sane & Productive in an Insane World, Principle #24: Play with Your Kids Every Day”