The Art of Manliness Podcast

I’ve recently entered the world of podcasts. I’ve even started doing a podcast (listen here). The other day, I was looking for a link to one particular podcast, and I was scrolling through the episodes of The Art of Manliness (AOM) Podcast. I realized, “Wow! I’ve really gotten a lot out of these podcasts!”

The AOM Podcast covers a large variety of topics from leadership to penmanship to passion to books to special forces. It’s all there at AOM. The host, Brett McKay, talks to authorities on these subjects, generally people who’ve written books about them.

I was surprised at how many of these podcasts I had started incorporating into my life from new books to sports to poetry to weight loss. AOM’s archives will give you an idea of this podcast’s diversity. Here’s six that I’ve particularly enjoyed, thought about, researched further, and implemented in my life.

  • “How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off Forever” – An interview with Layne Norton, a Ph.D. in nutritional science and a body builder. The key to long-term weight-loss, according to Norton, is calorie reduction in a sustainable way. I’ve tried a lot of things for weight loss, but based on this podcast, I’ve been able to implement and consistently follow a program that has helped me keep my calorie count down.
  • “The Spartan Regime” – This is an interview with Stephen Pressfield who has written several books on the Spartans. The Spartans were fascinating, and Pressfield brings that out well. The takeaway for me was an encouragement that manliness and poetry go together. The Spartans did not pursue much entertainment, but they devoted themselves to poetry and song as well as military affairs. I’ve always loved poetry, and this gave me a new vision for incorporating it into my life.
  • “Myths About Kids and Sports” – Leonard Zaichkowsky has written a book about the best way to get kids involved in sports and help them develop as athletes. I coached basketball this year, and I followed Zaichowsky’s suggestions. He said, focus on actually playing the game in practice. So, we emphasized doing drills less and playing games more in our practices. It was a lot more fun, and the girls progressed just as much, if not more, as in other years.
  • “How Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Will Make You a Better Man” – In this episode, Brett interviews Rener Gracie. This episode convinced me to try BJJ. I used videos at first and then started training at a local gym. I found that it was not only helpful for self-defense but also an intense, challenging, and rewarding way to work out and meet people in the community.
  • “Leadership Lessons from the 3 Greatest Ancient Commanders” – History can be boring, but Barry Strauss has a way of explaining it that really captures one’s imagination. I enjoyed this podcast so much that I started listening to Strauss’ podcast Antiquitas. I also got his book 10 Caesars on Audible and am finding an enjoyable and educational listen.
  • “How to Be a Digital Minimalist” – Cal Newport explains why becoming a digital minimalist is good and how to do it. I got several ideas from this podcast. For example, I now only use Twitter and Faceobok on my computer (not on my phone). This has helped me be more deliberate in my use of these social media platforms. It’s an issue we all probably are or need to wrestle with, and Newport has some good ideas.

Last year, my good friend John McKenzie suggested this podcast to me, and I’m very grateful that he did. So, I’m passing on the resource of the AOM podcast to you. Check it out, listen to some episodes, and let me know what you learn from them.